17th Annual Lewes Creative Writers’ Conference

An Evening of Readings

Friday, August 23 | 5:00 PM Eastern Time
Readers are Conference workshop presenters Lauren Grodstein, Alison Condie Jaenicke, Kirk Judd, Julia Spicher Kasdorf, Jamie Lackey, and Billie Travalini.

NOTE: these Readings are available to attend in-person or through Zoom. You MUST REGISTER and indicate which you prefer.
Basic written instructions for using Zoom may be found here and a brief video tutorial may be found here. Closed captioning is available for all our sessions. Information on enabling closed captioning in Zoom may be found here.


Conference Workshops

Thank you for your interest in the Writers’ Conference. Registration closed at noon on Monday, August 12. You may contact the library if you have questions.

Please read the workshop descriptions before you register.

Workshop Descriptions


These are sessions that are limited to 8 participants and you must submit requested material in order to be considered for acceptance into the Roundtable. Acceptance into the Roundtable is at the discretion of the moderator.
The deadline to submit materials for consideration for acceptance into any Roundtable workshop ended at noon on Monday, July 1, 2024. Registration for Roundtable workshops is now CLOSED.
Notice of acceptance will arrive via email on Thursday, August 1 or before. If you are not accepted into a Roundtable, you will be contacted to select an alternate workshop.
If accepted, you will email your fellow participants a copy of your poem for comments that point to revision and, ultimately, to publication.

Presenter Biographies

More information about the presenters can be found here.

Presenters Biographies


Conference Schedule

8:00 – 8:45 AM
Registration packet pick up
Book Sales by Browseabout Books and individual presenters

8:45 – 9:00 AM
Welcome | Billie Travalini, Conference Organizer
General Remarks | Rebecca Lowe, Library Staff

9:00 – 10:30 AM
Session I workshops
• Keynote | A Conversation with Award Winning Novelist, Ethan Joella
• Poetry Roundtable | Kirk Judd (limited to 8 participants) | REGISTRATION FOR THIS WORKSHOP IS CLOSED

10:30 – 10:45 AM

10:45 AM – 12:15 PM
Session II workshops
• Writing the Child | Lauren Grodstein
• Writing Y/our Roots | Julia Spicher Kasdorf & Alison Condie Jaenicke
• Fiction Roundtable | Jamie Lackey (limited to 8 participants) | REGISTRATION FOR THIS WORKSHOP IS CLOSED

12:15 – 12:30 PM

12:30 – 1:45 PM
Delaware Division of the Arts
• Part I: An Overview of DDOA Grants and Services for Artists | Roxanne Stanulis
• Part II: Current Recipients of a Delaware Division of the Arts Fellows in Literature will read from their work
Lunch on your own
Book Sales by Browseabout Books and individual presenters

2:00 – 3:30 PM
Session III workshops
• Voice to Voice Workshop | Kirk Judd
• Epistolary Fiction: Story in Fragments | Jamie Lackey
• Collaboration Is Not Only Fun, It’s Smart | Panelists: Lauren Grodstein, Alison Condie Jaenicke, and Julia Spicher Kasdorf with moderator Billie Travalini

Workshop Descriptions

Presenters Biographies


The 2024 Conference is sponsored by:

Lewes Public Library
Delaware Division of Libraries
John and Sally Freeman Foundation
The National League of Pen Women, Diamond State Branch
The Parker Real Estate Group, LLC

This conference is free to attend.
However as an independent library, we must raise nearly half of our operating budget every year. Please consider making a donation to help defray the cost of offering this conference.

Donate to the library