Tools for Tots

Join us for family-child workshops to explore and promote healthy development. While caregivers enjoy a brief presentation by a member of Child Inspired’s therapy team and are encouraged to voice concerns or share experiences, children are invited to participate in a hands-on, developmentally-appropriate activity conducted by one of Child Inspired’s child educators. All workshops are approximately 60 minutes long, outdoors on the Lewes Library fenced patio. Programs will be postponed in the event of inclement weather. Watch the Library’s Facebook page for an announcement by 9:00am on the day of the program, if weather is questionable.

Jan. 17th: Potty Training

Hot Topic! (Back by request) – Potty talk permitted! Let’s reduce anxiety and overwhelm around this stinky topic! Pediatric therapist will provide family education on developmentally-appropriate expectations and strategies for positive, successful potty training. Make and take supplies to create a visual timer will be provided.

Feb. 21st: Tackling Transitions

Hot Topic! Struggling to get your kiddos to adjust between different activities or places? Learn playful and effective strategies to make transitions easier. Make and take supplies to create a transitional object will be provided.

March 21st: Wallflowers & Social Butterflies!

Hot Topic! Pediatric therapist will provide family education on developmentally-appropriate expectations and strategies to promote sharing, turn-taking, and cooperative play for positive peer experiences. Make and take supplies to create a playdate favorite will be provided.

April 18th: Touch, Smell & Taste…Explorative Play for Picky Eaters

Hot Topic! Seasonal foods are beginning to sprout! Let’s learn playful and effective strategies to promote food play and food art at different ages and stages! Pediatric therapist will help “reduce stress with the mess”! Make and take supplies will be provided.